YOU can become a key figure in preserving the Mississippi Delta's rich heritage by
donating one of the specially engraved bricks for the Highway 61 Blues Museum in Leland!
Local leaders and Blues enthusiasts worldwide are coming together for this unique fundraising
effort. Support the Delta Blues and our local culture with your help.
These beautiful hand-engraved bricks may contain up to 3 lines of 14 characters each,
with your personal dedication, a simple acknowledgment of your donation or recognition of
your favorite blues artist.
The cost of one brick, engraved, is only $50.00 (US). These bricks will be used to construct
the walkway leading to the museum's main entrance or placed prominently in a wall at the
museum site.
Please read instructions before ordering!
Order Securely Online

Or to order by mail, please complete this
(printable .pdf)
and send your donation to:
Leland Historical Foundation
P.O. Box 251
Leland, MS 38756